Dear ,
ICMASK will perform RF Layout Course remotely/online. It will be delivered in 4 days x 4 hour sessions by the most professional layout guru the CTO of ICMSAK Design Mr. Ciaran Whyte on January 31st to February 3rd (4 days) 2022
IC Mask Designs RF Layout course looks at the many challenges involved in producing layouts
that are expected to operate in the multiple GHz frequency range and more specifically, in the
layout of circuits used in radio transceivers on bulk CMOS processes. This deep dive into the
many layout challenges is accompanied by presenting practical real-life solutions, that can be
implemented in layout, enabling the layout engineer to produce high speed, high-quality
layouts, in compressed time scales.
Target Audience:
Any layout or design engineer looking to create layouts of very high-speed (multiple GHz)
circuits would benefit from participation on this course. It looks to build on and fine-tune
techniques commonly applied in core analog layout, so that they are optimised with
device and interconnect parasitics in mind.
DAY 1:
- Understanding the impacts of layout parasitics on circuit design
- Base layers in a CMOS process – the capacitive effects of P/N Junctions & dielectric
behaviour of substrate.
- Metal Interconnect – The 3 types of parasitic capacitance.
- Interconnect resistance & impedance.
- Compromises and constraints – capacitance over resistance, capacitance over area, etc.
DAY 2:
- Understanding parasitic extraction – the different approaches (lumped,
distributed, 2.5D, 3D).
- Reducing parasitic tuning cycles (developing and utilising look up tables)
- The risks and advantages of device and interconnect shielding – when not to do it, and
how to do to it correctly.
- Device parasitics, optimising Q.
DAY 3:
- Inductor and varactor layout, device layout, and floorplanning considerations.
- Device matching @ RF – the compromises (parasitic vs. matching).
- Supply considerations – noise, EM and IR drop.
DAY 4:
- Substrate noise isolation – what’s different at RF
- Introduction to the superheterodyne transceiver
- Layout issues of common RF building blocks (LNA, Down Mixer, LC Tank VCO,
Divider, Up Mixer & TX Amp)
Should you seek more information do not hesitate to contact us @ or click bellow